We are facing a strange problem and it is getting even more strange for some time.
I recently took over an on-going project that had a relational sap bw connection to and ODS. There was a UNX on top of it that fed BO explorer information spaces.
On problem DAY1, The problem was that the relational connection didn't work. I could enter the parameters, select the ODS from info provider list however, when it came to test the connection (even stranger) it firstly said "SUCCESS" and then on second try (after a 15 seconds delay) "FAILED". It kept going success and fail as you tested. You could build the data foundation layer and then the business layer on top but at any point it was not possible to preview data in any table. When you tried to preview data, it kept loading without giving an error.
On problem DAY2, it appeared to me that we also had a BO test server apart from the production environment. So I could define the same connection and see how it goes. Well, it worked only for a few hours. At first, I defined the connection with no problem. (Success each time I hit the test connection button) and then I created the data foundation and the business layer with working previews of data on each step. And then I even created a small information space and it indexed successful. Later, I added more dimensions to the information space and tried to index it again. I realized it kept on going forever. Then I went back to IDT to test the relational connection, oh it was on success-fail loop and I wasn't able to preview data at all just like the BO production server.
On problem DAY3, the basis side advised me to try to connect to another bw environment. All our connections were to BW production, so since we had a BW test environment as well, why wouldn't give it a try? I went back to the BO production server and on IDT connection repository folder > right click > create relational connection > connection name > select middle driver > SAP BW Jco > Not responding!.
That "not responding" both happens on my laptops IDT and on BO server's IDT. Other database's Jco's don't give "not responding" and open the login parameters window.
By the way, BO Test server is still on DAY2, we can create relational connections on that server for now.
We are on BO 4.0 SP06 P1. BO server java version is 7.67 for prod and 7.21 for test. Firewalls are all down but Symantec antivirus is working on bot BO servers and can't be shut down. First we thought it would a server to server connection issue; some security program could have been blocking the connection when it realizes the data flow, but that doesn't explain the "not responding" issue.
I am open to all suggestions.
Thank you all in advance