I am trying to edit a universe created over a PostgreSQL 9 database. I am connecting via ODBC. I am using the Universe Design Tool in BOBJ 4.1 SP2.
Everything seems to work fine except for a a few long text/character fields which are free-text in the source application. When trying to preview data in these columns, or use the objects in WebI reports I get the following error:
Exception: DBD, Error: character 0xc292 of encoding "UTF8" has no equivalent in "WIN1252"; No query has been executed with that handlestate: 22P05
I assume that these fields contain some sort of illegal or special character that cannot be translated out of the database and into the BOBJ environment. If we limit the queries to certain time-frames then sometime we can get data out of these fields, so the field itself is not to blame, but the contents.
How can I configure either the universe or the ODBC connection to accept the UTF8 character? - I have tried adding a parameter to the ODBC.ini on the machine I am working on and restarting UDT but to no avail.
I have also tried using JDBC connections instead, which allow me to query the fields without any problems, but run so slowly as to be unuseable (a query that takes seconds via ODBC will take many minutes via JDBC).
Can anyone help with either configuring ODBC or tuning JDBC?