Hi All,
I have a requirement to create a multiple Source enable universe using Oracle data and HANA View (Side cart solution). I have created two connections and worte an SQL (after testing in Oracle) to create a derived table in BOBJ IDT. Whe I tried to see the values (Show Table Values) I get null exception. When looking at the error I found it was saying null. The detail looks like
Cause of Error
[Data Federator Driver] [Server] [Connector 'RC_EDW_ORA_SQAR'] ConnectionServer has reported an Exception: Localization information not found : java.lang.NumberFormatException
Cause of Error
[Connector 'RC_EDW_ORA_SQAR'] ConnectionServer has reported an Exception: Localization information not found : java.lang.NumberFormatException
Cause of Error
ConnectionServer has reported an Exception: Localization information not found : java.lang.NumberFormatException
Cause of Error
Localization information not found : java.lang.NumberFormatException
Cause of Error
When I read SAP Notes there was a note specifically t this error 1923613 which as talking about a local parameter in the Oracle SBO file in the BOBJ server. It is also done and I am still getting the error.
Did anyone sucessfully tried this before?
When I create a Single Source universe it works fine both for Oracle and for HANA - No issues only for Multiple-SOurce enable I am having issues.
Thank you,