The introduction to one of the training videos states:
“Index awareness is the ability to take advantage of indexes on key columns. When you set up index awareness in a universe, you indicate in the Information Design Tool which database columns are primary and foreign keys to speed up data retrieval"
I use MS-SQL as my database and all the tables do have Primary keys. The database schema is loosely based on a star schema and the “fact” table has it’s own set of Primary keys and so have the Dimension tables as well. The fact table does include the foreign keys (linked to the primary keys) from the Dimension tables but are not set up as such.
My question is, based on the opening paragraph statement above, act the Primary and Foreign keys on the tables in the data foundation layer the same as in the underlying SQL database tables (uniqueness at hand)? Is there any similarity or interaction as such between the “two” sets of tables and keys.
The SQL tables are already optimized for fast retrieval. When I insert such a table in the data foundation layer, does this table in die DF inherits the “properties” of the SQL table, or do this above statement means I have to re-create (optimize) the tables and joins in the data foundation as well (again)?
I would like to read more about this to understand the why’s and why not’? Any suggestions would be welcome.
Message was edited by: Pierre Cornelissen