Can anybody help me?
We have SAP BO 4.1 SP3 on MSAS 2008 cubes
I try to make the condition in universe for retrieve sysdate for use in filters Webi reports (we want to schedule this report and give data every current day)
After a day of reading the forums, I now know, that using now() is a problem in MDX, but I didn't find the solution, only this.
Parse is ok for this condition:
<FILTER EXPRESSION="iif(CDate([Date].[Date].[Date].currentmember.membervalue) = CDate(Now()) - 1,1,0)">
But when I refresh my report, I have an error: Database error: Failed to execute MDX query. Reason: returned server error (). (IES 10901) (WIS 10901)
Have anybody known solution for this? I think, many people need to schedule there reports with current day in filter...