I have a multisource universe currently pointing at only one database (Oracle). In the data foundation I right-clicked one of the columns named "Category" and selected "Set case to upper case". This broke the query with the following error: "Database error: [Data Federator Driver] [Server] The column name 'CATEGORY' could not be found in the table/alias: 'Table__1'. (IES 10901) (WIS 10901)"
I would like to undo this change but can't find a way to do it. The only options in "Set case to" are upper and lower case, with no option to go back to the original/default. How can I fix this without having to reimport the table? I read that you can tweak case-sensitivity settings in a .prm file but I would rather not change things at the filesystem level.
EDIT: I worked around it by changing the object in the business layer to use the original case of the column name. But is there no way to change back how it actually looks in the data foundation? A minor issue perhaps, but annoying.
Pedro G. Acevedo