Hi All,
I have created an SAP HANA Business Layer in IDT 4.1 Support Pack 6, based on the HANA calculation view. I have 2 input parameters and 1 variable configured in HANA view.
It is fetching the data without any issue, when I create a sample query in the Business Layer on giving the values for 2 input parameters and 1 variable.
But, I can see the error in integrity check:
"Check Variable"; "The variable (mentioned 2 input parameter details) does not have the same properties as variable in the data source".
The properties of input parameters for example, Data type and selection type are same as in the data source.
I could not even have the option of editing the properties of Variables in data foundation layer (the place where the HANA variables & input parameters are available).
Can anyone help on this to resolve this error?
Best Regards