Hi everyone!
I really need your help.
Let's take eFashion universe, we have 2 fact tables in it:
- Shop_facts
- product_promotion_facts
There is NO connections between fact tables and I can't do it.
I created 2 measures, based on different fact tables
- Shop_facts.Quantity_sold
- product_promotion_facts.Promotion_cost
Then I made a measure with formula
@Select(Measures\Quantity_sold) / @Select(Measures\Promotion_cost)but it give an error:
How can i make such calculation on the universe level?
I have a universe with similar structure that is used in SAP Design Studio and I can't calculate such measures there, that's why I have to find the way to calculate it in IDT.
I can create view in MS SQL and collect both fact and plan tables, but I have 6 fact tables and some of the measures used in the calculation of other measures in different tables, so I think it is not the best idea.
Maybe there are other options?
Any advice would be really helpful.